Coping strategies

stress ball coping strategies

Coping skills List
by, Patience’s Behavior Therapy

It’s good for kids to have their own list of coping strategies hung up in the home or within easy access, for anxiety and anger. Here are some examplesand ideas for your list.

Here’s a list of things that can help calm you down when angry:

      take a deep breath

      count to ten

      go to a quiet space (like your room) to calm down

      walk away from what is making you mad

      listen to music

      take a walk/exercise/dance

      pet your dog/cat

      ask for a hug

      draw/writewhat you’re mad about and then rip it up and throw it away


Here’s a list of ways to fix anger problems:

      think about it differently

      try to find the positive

      try to understand the other person’s perspective

      problem solve

      talk calmly with the person who is upsetting me

      remember “if I’m nice, than people are more likely to give me what I want”

      If I do what I’m told quickly I have more fun free time and won’t be as grumpy

      try to get enough sleep and enough to eat


Calming strategies for Anxiety

·         deep breaths

·         try to think of the positive/realistic situation

·         use logic

·         progressive muscle relaxation

·         listen to music

·         think of a happy place/time/memory

·         draw a picture

·         talk to someone

Click here for a downloadable printable list